To the stars and beyond…

Oscillating Dimensions
1 min readJan 21, 2021

And as the autumn leaves

were falling off,

Paving way for

a new season,

There stood a flower

Alone and swirling,

Beginning to sing

A lovely song!

It was beautiful,


Not your normal daffodil

But a rare rose that

Starred like a twinkle,

As it sang this song

So soothing!

But the marigolds despised it,

Envious of its glory,

Still it blossomed

And mesmerised the sky along!

While waiting

for someone to listen,

To look and realise,

What it takes to be

so beautiful and unique,

Yet so hard to understand

All the time!

But they could not listen to its call

They didn’t know how to,

They didn’t want to,

As they were happy with the fall

And the dances of the daffodils,

They are happy still,

Unaware of the flower’s call

Unaware of its charms!

And so the flower saw the love

From a far off land and felt so trapped,

And with all its love

It overflowed,

The world could not contain it

As it was busy with mediocrity


Surprisingly one day

It swayed along and was crushed

With the fall!

But the breeze still flowed

and the beauty echoed,

In this tragic departure

Of a flower so fallen!


as the cries deepened

and loss realised,

The swan song resurrected,

The flower revived

In its dead bloom,

With the regrets charmed

As an immortal fragrance

Immune to autumns and harms,

And stayed forever

shining through the darkness

as the morning star!


